Enhancing Industrial Safety through 3D Laser Scanning
Learn how integrating laser scanning can result in significant benefits for your company's safety.
A desirable solution for business visitors and customers in sight to visit or review areas of Real Estate (Industrial or Residential) are the 360 Virtual Tours like the ones you have seen to visit museums around the world.
They can be used for different uses, such as:
Some advantages that this type of service can provide are:
Some disadvantages are:
These virtual tours are captured through 360 cameras or DSRL cameras mounted on a rotating base which must then go through a process of "cooking" or stitching and thus generate the 360 panoramas.
The experience of creating virtual tours in a space no it's limited to business. The application of virtual tour technology can be applied in buildings of cities and homes. Also can use a custom video suitable for real estate agents to distinguish from the competition so clients can preview a future life in a house or building purchase.
The advantages that can be obtained with DSRL cameras is that their quality can be much higher with the disadvantage that the work in the field is much slower as well as the work in the cabinet to be able to join all the photos. Another advantage is that they can be given a post-process treatment to modify the contrasts or increase the brightness of some elements to have a more immersive effect.
360º cameras currently exist from very cheap to very expensive depending on the degree of professionalism you want to give to your virtual tour, with the great advantage that fieldwork is drastically reduced since, with a single shot, you can make the 360 panoramas and move to the next position.
They also have the advantage of editing the quality of the photograph taken in the field in post-production to make the panorama more attractive.
To make a smooth journey, each of the 360 panoramas needs to join or register based on common areas; in this way, there must be an overlap from where both panoramas can be joined, giving the effect that we move through them.
One of the great advantages of 360 virtual tours is that they can be quickly shared through a league and viewed from a phone or computer, adding a virtual reality effect when projected on VR goggles like the Oculus.
It is very important to note that the 360 virtual tours have a mostly commercial, demonstrative or immersive function of the place that is being presented and, unlike laser scanning, they do not generate reliable subcentimeter measurements, but on the other hand, the amount of information generated by laser scanning increases. The precision is very much, but it completely loses the dynamism of the movement and the photographic quality that a 360 virtual tour represents.
It depends on each client's main purpose for which I want to carry out this work.